Gorgeous Masonic boy’s cock worshiped and hot teen ass creampied


Apprentice Blue knew this wasn’t going to be easy. As his elders had told him many times, the Masonic boys porn path was full trials and tests. Even after the blindfolding in the woods, the inspect, and the stretching of his ass, he still wanted to continue on. He knew it would make him a better man. Stronger, more disciplined, and connected to a larger history and community. Of course, it didn’t hurt that he found himself becoming more and more aroused by the idea every day.

When he entered the sacred temple to meet with Grandmaster Savage, he was told to strip down completely and don the traditional modesty shield provided to him. The “shield” was nothing more than a large, draped cloth with a hole cut in the top for his head to poke through. On the sides, his naked body was completely exposed. A simple, gentle breeze would reveal his penis and buttocks.

But he knew that the modesty was just a formality. He was supposed to present himself spiritually and mentally bare: open to receive whatever the grandmaster had to give him.

Entering the man’s chamber, he was stunned by the white light that surrounded him. It was hard to tell where it was coming from, giving him the appearance of an angel. Not only was he handsome with salt and pepper hair and a square jaw, but he was dressed in an all-white suit that was clearly cut just for him.

He had the air of respectability and authority, more than anyone else Cole had met up to this point. The hierarchy of the secret society was sometimes a bit confusing and opaque, but Cole could tell this was a man of importance.

The older man beckoned him closer, sensing his nervousness but not excusing it. Cole did as he was told, afraid to make eye contact with him. He didn’t want to disappoint him, and he thought if he looked in his eyes, he would see his trepidation. As much as he wanted it, he was still a young man of limited experience. And he’d certainly never done anything like this before.

Grandmaster Savage stood up and began to run his hands over the young man’s body. At first he seemed to be feeling him to assess his health and strength, touching his chest and his arms. Cole had been through this before, hoping that Savage would be as pleased as the others had been. But as the grandmaster continued, Cole noticed a particular ritual to the older man’s gestures.

First, he placed his fingers on his forehead, then on the sides of his face, then across his eyes. It was like he was being blessed, but no words were being spoken. Savage ran his fingers down the back of his neck, sending his little hairs to stand on end. A relaxing shiver worked its way up Cole’s spin and onto his scalp. It lulled him into a strange state of compliance.

Grandmaster Savage then lifted the back of Cole’s shield, giving him a view of his strong, wide, smooth back. He ran his hand down the spine, bringing it to a rest on the small of his back above his buttocks.

Cole didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He stood still, patiently waiting for instruction, following Savage’s touch. It wasn’t until the man began to grab his ass that he questioned whether or not this was part of the ritual.

Savage’s fingers dug into Cole’s ass, feeling his meat and muscle deeply. Cole let out a moan, mostly from surprise. It didn’t hurt, but it was a very different touch than he’d gotten used to. Then, Grandmaster Savage got on his knees, placing his head right next to Cole’s bare ass, and began to kiss it.

Cole’s face blushed. He’d not spoken more than a word or two to this man, and here he was sampling his ass like it was a fresh peach. Savage opened his mouth, spreading hot, lustful breath over Cole’s body before gently biting him.

Cole’s mouth went agape. He couldn’t believe that a man so clean cut and manicured could be so ravenous. He stood up and turned to Cole’s front, looking into his eyes. Cole couldn’t look away now. It was clear the grandmaster wanted more from him than just his obedience.

The older man got close to Cole, planting his lips on his nipple, biting it and sucking it to make it swell up between his lips. As he did, Cole let out another pained moan, feeling his cock grow hard under his shield. It was clear Savage felt it, too, seeing as it poked out and grazed his side. The older man lifted the front of the shield, gazing upon Cole’s massive cock, impressed by its size and girth.

Savage dropped to his knees again, bringing his hungry mouth to Cole’s loins, and with his ravenous lips, began sucking on him passionately and deeply.

Cole couldn’t believe how good it felt. He didn’t know what else to do but stand and take it. His balls were perfectly cradled in the older man’s hands as his shaft disappeared into his throat. Cole moaned, feeling himself heat up with desire. He wanted to do whatever the man asked of him, knowing that he was sure to have another intense orgasm as a result!

Once Savage had his fill of the young man’s cock, he couldn’t resist going back to give the boy’s ass a taste. Removing his suit and tie and stripping down bare, Cole got a look at the older man’s body for the first time. It’s smooth and muscular, toned and strong. He looks more like a warrior than an angel, built for battle. He could have been a general or a coach, but here, in this temple, he was simply “Grandmaster.”

Putting Cole on his back, Savage lifted up his legs to gaze into his tight, smooth hole. He hesitated for a second, delaying the satisfaction just a little bit longer before his tongue began to whip around. Cole’s back arched as he felt his sex be devoured by the man’s seasoned mouth. Grandmaster Savage knew exactly how to make Cole beg for more… and beg he did.

Looking down, Cole saw the older man’s throbbing cock hanging between his muscular thighs. It was veiny and throbbing, curved up and pointed at him as if it was telling him what to do. It wanted to get inside him. To fill him and fuck him, to leave him raw and covered in his seed. Cole knew he was about to get fucked, and that knowledge made his cock leak all over his flat, toned stomach.

He watched as Savage pulled his mouth away, licking his lips and preparing to mount up. With just enough saliva dripping down from his ass, Cole was ready. As Savage looked him in the eye once more, holding his cock in place, prepared to slip it inside, Cole muttered the words in response, “Yes, Grandmaster…”

Date: January 29, 2025

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